Almeida’s Fall Services

Call or Text 774-377-9807

Leaf Removal

Are you looking for leaf removal services? Is it time for your yard to receive a good fall cleaning? Almeida’s offers professional fall yard cleanup services on-demand.

Are you tired of raking up all of your leaves? We hear you! If you need a reliable lawn care company that services to rake up debris and leaves, call us at 774-377-9807.

Service includes removing the leaves from your lawn and turf, blowing leaves from flower beds, walkways and hauling it away.


Aeration is the process by which air and water is mixed into your soil to improve the quality of your grass and leaving your lawn luscious and green.

Services includes pulling 2-3” inch cores over the entire property to help repair your lawn from the hot heat and harsh winters. (Recommended for Spring and Fall Services)


Almost every lawn needs dethatching about once a year, or whenever the thatch reaches a thickness of about 1/2 inch. To check, just work your fingers into the grass and note the depth of the thatch layer. Dethatch cool-season grasses in fall, warm-season types in early spring.

Service includes removing the dead grass from the lawn and hauling it away.


Weeds are an unwanted grass based plant that could ruin a good lawn. They raise havoc in the cracks of your driveways and on your walkways. They’re a sore eye to your flower beds. Weeds have to be properly removed or treated.

Service includes spraying, treating, and removal of weeds. Depending on the condition of your weeds, services can be done once or several times year round and can be pretreated.